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一学期には学校行事として体育祭がありました。クラス単位の競技はなく、自分が参加したい競技を選び、集まった人で競技を行い参加点と競技点の合計で優勝チームが決まることに驚きました。同学年の三分の一ほどが欠席ということにも驚きましたが、自由な雰囲気を楽しむことができました。また、1学期中に二週間ほど日本へ旅行をしていた現地の友人がおり、私は帰ってきた後の勉強や先生や友人からの印象は大丈夫なのかと勝手に心配してしまいましたが、旅行の報告を受けた先生が「Wonderful !」と言っており、周りの様子からも学期中の旅行は特別なことではないように感じました。それまでの自分の中の常識では考えられなかったことですが、様々な考えがあることを学びました。
1学期には学校が主催するInternational Students を支援する活動、LGBT(性的少数者)を支援する活動などがあり校庭での物品販売をする様子を目にしました。

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Hello, everyone. I’m Sakura Ide. I have been in Australia since January as a Jisedai Leaders’ Program student. I am going to talk about my experiences and differences between the two countries.

!About my school life
 In every classes, we use our own computers rather than textbooks and blackboards. I have barely ever used a computer before so this change confused me. Most of the teachers give us the assignments on Google classroom. We answer the questions on eBook, write essays and make presentations electronically according to the instructions.
At the beginning of first term, I was in a class called ISEC (Intensive Secondary English Course). There are 14 students in this class who all originates from non-English speaking countries. ISEC is a class to provide the opportunity for the students to get used to the Australian system in a short period. However, I did not feel comfortable in this class as the students often spoke in their own languages and learnt basic grammar. From the next day, I was able to take the English mainstream classes for the purpose of understanding the Australian education culture and meeting many more new people. 

In Unley High School, there are many students with various backgrounds so I am privileged to experience diverse cultures through daily conversations. In cooking class, there was a recipe for vegetarian unlike Japan. This highlighted the multicultural coexistence in Australia for me. 

I have actively participated on sports day in the first term. I was surprised that there were no game which the classes competed against each other. Instead, we participated in some activities which we chose by ourselves. The winning team was determined by the total points earns by the number of participants and extra points earns by the winners. I was surprised that one-third of the students were absent, but I enjoyed the event and the non-restricted atmosphere. 

I have a friend who travelled to Japan for two weeks during this term. I was worried about the impression from her teachers and her friends. But I was surprised that they said "wonderful!” and supported her as going to a holiday during school time is forbidden in japan. I realized that it was not a special thing and that there are various ideas.

In the first term, there were events to support the International Students and the LGBTQ (sexual minority) community. I saw the students selling goods in the schoolyard. I have not been familiar with the word "LGBTQ" until I came to Australia as it is not advertised in Japan. I believe that this kind of activity has made the understanding of the LGBTQ students profound and provide the environment where students do not need to hide these characters.

In my opinion, though it’s not for all Japanese, it is not considered good to do something different from others or stand out in Japan. I especially felt this when I was a junior high school student. We tended to criticize people who are opening their characters, such as a person who has a lot of questions in class, and a new student who said “I am good at studying” in her self introduction. However in Australia, I saw many students gathered around and applaud for a boy who was performing a dance on sports day. In Japan, this action will be seen as ‘show off’ hence causing criticisms. Many students in Australia expresses their own opinion and are praised for having original opinions which I think is really nice.

!About what I learnt from failures

I have made many mistakes in the last three months. The big mistake I have made is that I left my bag on the bus that consisted of my personal computer, electronic dictionary, student ID, USB and SD card. I was very worried as I thought they would not come back. I was not able to do anything by myself. My teachers and host mother contacted the bus company many times, and my friends encouraged me. I reminded that I was supported by a lot of people.
I thought kindness 
between people are common in the world, even if the countries and cultures are different.
I had never been out of Japan before this study abroad, and I was often nervous and unable to speak well to people from other countries. That was not only because I had no confidence in English, but also I believed that people who were not Japanese were different from me. However, I realized that it is important to see them as the same humans in order to build good relationships and speak English. I thought I should reconsider the way I classify Japanese and foreigners separately. Eventually, what I lost was miraculously found several days later. After all, it was a good experience but I will definitely be more careful from next time. 

!About English 
I realise the lack of my English level when I was negotiating with the teachers to change my English class to mainstream rather than ISEC. I could not enough speak fluently enough to explain why I wanted to change. Just knowing vocabularies and grammar were meaningless then. 
To be able to be fluent in English is one of my biggest purpose of this study abroad. However, I think that I will not be able improve my English skill just by repeating simple English phrases every day. I think I need to put myself in the environment where I feel "I want to communicate and understand them” in order to encourage myself to speak English constantly. 
Currently, I write down the words and sentences that I could not understand with the meanings. I also try to read books to improve my reading comprehension skills. But most of all, I need to try hard to improve my listening and speaking skills. Though I am sometimes worried if what I do are meaningful for my goal, I want to take advantage of the privileged environment and try to do everything I can do. 

I want to improve my English, but this is not the only purpose of my study abroad. I want to enhance my perspectives, obtain new understandings and learn about the values of the culture which I believe is extremely important. 

!The conclusion 

In Japan, I gained many knowledge through the studying for entrance examinations. At the same time, I started to only study to get good scores in tests and lost my purpose of studying and I was getting confused about what I was good at and what I was interested. Hence I decided to take this study abroad before I decide which university I will go to. This is an opportunity to look back at myself, to understand what I am interested in and what I am good at. 

To speak English, to live in a different country with varying cultures, to live away from my family and to go to school in these circumstances are very difficult. But those who have supported me in Japan and those who constantly help me in Australia motivate me to keep working hard. I want to thank them by being able to tell my intentions growing as a person. 
I want to treasure every day and take advantage of this opportunity of the study abroad as much as possible so that I can improve my English, understanding of cultures and myself as a person. 

Thank you for your reading to the end.


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