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20190607 次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告!の変更点


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みなさんお久しぶりです!初めて見られた方はこんにちは!次世代リーダー育成道場7期生、立川高校72期生として留学に行っている郄木 現です。前回から2ヶ月も経ったなんて考えられませんね。こちらは冬がだんだんと近づいてきています。みなさんはお元気でしょうか、僕は苦しい2・3月を越えて、なんとか安定した生活を送っています(体重は不安定..?)前回同様、オーストラリアに来て思ったことや感じたことについて書いていきたいと思います。書きたいことが沢山あるのでまとまってなかったらごめんなさい。

-Hi everyone! It’s been a while since we last spoke, I’m glad that I have this opportunity to write to you. I’m Gen Takaki, a Tachikawa High School student of 72. I am studying abroad in Australia for one year under the ”Jisedai Leader’s Program”. It has been 2 months since I wrote first report. I can’t believe it…. How are you all? I’m doing well, although I was not good previously. I underwent the many hardships in February and March. But somehow, I overcame them and begun spending a good life here. This report is focusing on how I felt and what I thought during my experience. If I lose my train of thought, I apologize. Anyway, I’ll try to keep it organized. Through reading this, I would like you to become familiar with the image of studying abroad deeply.
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  Morialta Fallsにて

!<My multicultural school life>
Adelaideの学校と言っても各学校ごとに特色、人口構成が全く違います。僕の通っている学校はinternational studentsとexchange studentsが多くいる学校です。いわゆる国際的な学校です。僕たち生徒のバックグラウンドは何と92ヵ国にも及びます。まさに多文化な国であるオーストラリアを体現したような高校です。しかしながら今年は日本人は僕1人、英語を話すには最適な環境です。

こちらの学校は授業は好きな科目を取ることができます。僕はterm1でEnglish, math1, math2, woodwork, PEを、semester2でFood, Business, English, Design, Woodworkを取っています。現在は四学期制の二学期なのでterm1の教科を学んでいます。


テストはウェイトが軽いのでとても楽です。数学は月一の頻度で小テスト形式でありますが他の教科はありません。しかもcheat sheetといってカンニングペーパーを持ち込むことができます。なんのためのテストだよって思いますよね(笑)しかしその分、レポートが大変です。レポートの内容は自分の意見を書くものや要約が多く、文章力が必要になります。文章量も多いので、問題を理解するだけでも時間がかかります。
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-My school has many international students and exchange students comparatively. In short, It’s an international school. We have about 92 country backgrounds. This high school embodies Australia as a multicultural country. Even with such a good environment, I’m the only Japanese person in this school, so it’s wonderful place to speak English and understand the difference between cultures.

-We can choose the subjects that we like. I chose ESL(English as a Second Languages), PE, Pure Mathematics1・2 and Woodwork, for semester 1. For semester 2 I choose Food, Business, English, Design and Wood work in semester2. Now I am currently studying subjects in semester 1.

-Though I am a little weary of taking 2 mathematics, it’s just interesting to find differences between math in Japan and math in Australia. For example, we learnt the linear equations, the quadratic equations and the cubic equations in a different grade, whereas here they are learning them in the same grade. At the beginning, it was really easy since we Japanese learn it when we are in 7, but gradually it became harder and now we are learning about Napier numbers which people in Japan learn in Year12. In addition, the students here use a calculator for almost all calculations. That’s why they learn how to use calculators by using half of class. 

-Tests are so easy and not as important as there are only few tests in each term. In addition, we are able to use a cheat sheet, although I still don’t understand the importance of using it. The most important assessment is to submit reports or presentations. It needs to include a summarization of the story or an explanation in brief. Even just reading question is hard for me, to say the least. However, this type of studying is so efficient and sensible for individual’s future, I think.

-We use laptops for all classes. That’s unthinkable thing for Japanese people. I was lowest in ability in digital class, so it is hard to type every day. They do that very quickly as expected. As well as this, it’s hard to understand English, so I am facing two challenges at the same time. I will do my best and I hope I will be able to do blind touch before I go back to Japan.

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-Lately, I am able to hear and understand around 70% of the conversations. My listening skill is getting better comparing to my other skills. Thanks to that, I feel more comfortable living here. As for speaking, it’s getting better as well, but not enough to speak it fluently. However, little by little, I am able to speak it with an awareness of my pronunciation. Even now, I still use Japanese in my brain when I think profoundly. The most important things is that I could acquire a skill to maintain ordinary conversation. Every single day, my English is better than the day before because there are many things I have yet to learn; that is my motivation. These days, my friends and teachers say to me, “Your English is improving so quickly ”,”Your English is better than before”. I’m so happy when I hear that.

-My school has Japanese as a subject, so many students learn Japanese as a foreign language. It has many complicated rules which even us, Japanese people can’t understand just as a subtle differences. It’s like English for us. However, they learn Japanese because they like Japan and they are interested in Japanese culture. Because of this, I am proud of my country as a Japanese person. When I realized that, I felt that I could communicate with them even if they couldn’t speak Japanese well.

The desire to learn a language is the most valuable thing. Don’t fluctuate between hopes and fears regarding your English test or not speaking English well, instead cherish the desire to speak English more.
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!<家族とHost Family>


-I changed my host family at the end of March. I wasn’t getting along with my previous family. I will refrain from writing the obvious reason why I changed families, but overall I was confused about my relationship with them. This made matters worse, as this happened during the two months of February and March when I didn’t know what to do and was struggled with English. During those months, I was really suffering from these obstacles. Eventually, I made up my mind to and decided to change host family. I was sick of being troubled mentally until the moment that I changed families. Successfully, now I am experiencing a good life with my new family. They support me kindly every day. I can’t thank them enough for everything they have done for me.

-This experience was difficult but also valuable. I came to think about family seriously. As a result, it didn’t work out well, but I realized what my family has done and the importance of them. Family is a great thing as you already know. No matter how much we quarrel with our family, we can’t change them easily. We are inseparably bound up with them. I try to say thanks both of my families when I can say.

!<Athelstone Soccer team>


-I play soccer and volleyball in local club team. I resumed soccer for the first time in three years. Our B team didn’t have enough people or even a coach, so our soccer club began looking for them. I invited some school friends and we could collect enough members somehow. Now we are getting stronger and sometimes beat the A team. I am the capten of this team and I also organize our team. My English skills and communication skills are improving through thinking and explaining our formation and the practice agenda. This is a really awesome environment for me.
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!<This is My 18’s Birthday>
-I became 18 years old on May 5th. So many people, including my host family, my friends, team mates and fellow Japanese students who are studying abroad just like me, celebrated with me. It felt strange because I didn’t know all of them just a year ago. If I were not to come here, I wouldn’t know them. That’s something both strange and wonderful. Obviously, 18 years old is a part of adult, which is why I might have to take responsibility and make some adjustments. However, even now, I am supported by so many people. I appreciated meeting such people.	






-I have already spent three months here and there are only seven months left to go. In February, I was devastated by my confusion regarding multiple different issues, however, if I went back to japan then like running away, there would be nothing that had I accomplished in Australia. I was encouraging myself like that. Focusing on my ideal self always helps me. With strong conviction and will power, I will spend the rest of my time in Australia. Without those things, I wouldn’t be capable of enduring. Studying abroad is very hard as I previously explained, but in addition, there are so many opportunities to meet a lot of people and learn about new perspectives. I’m happy to be here, speaking from the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly, I remember my friends. It has been just three months, but I feel farther apart from you all. I don’t want to think of you because it makes me miss you too much. Nevertheless, some events here have reminded me of my awesome memories. When I feel so, I become a little bit lonely but also proud of you. I will never forget any of you. I hope you have a great time during high school’s last days.

I appreciate your reading this report all the way through. See you soon.

Gen Takaki

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 Henley Beachにて(左)/Victor Harborにてラクダに遭遇(右)


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