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*At the beginning

** Hello, everyone. How are you? I’m Miki Itoi. I am studying abroad in Australia as Jisedai Leaders Program. I can’t believe that 5 months have been passed since I came here. Sometimes I remember my friends who live in Japan and I feel lonely but I have fulfilling days in Australia. I am going to tell you about my experience.
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**アデレードには寿司やラーメンなどの日本料理を提供するお店がたくさんあり、日本食好きな人も多いです。5月5日には、Kodomonohi Festivalという日本の料理や文化にふれあえる祭りが開催されました。さらに、アデレードの中心街やショッピングセンターにはDAISOがあり、たくさんの日本の商品が売られています。値段は$2.80(日本円で約220円)均一ですが…。ポッキーやコアラのマーチなどの日本のお菓子も人気があります。

*Japan for Australian people
** I joined the volunteering which is for the students who are learning Japanese. We spoke Japanese and played the games. I was surprised because they spoke it fluently. That is not all. Many students have been to Japan. I asked why they are learning Japanese. Most of the students answered, “Because I like Japan.” They learn Japanese because they are interested in Japanese cultures, arts, foods, anime and so on. I think many Japanese students learn English because we have to learn it. On the other hand, in my school, we can select Japanese, Germany or French and the students who are learning each language select it because they are interested in that country and want to learn it. They are many students who are learning Japanese in my school and they say “I like japan.” They often ask me, “How is Japan?” “Please teach me Japanese!”. I did not think that there are such a lot of students who are interested in Japan so I am surprised. By the way, the Japanese emperor's abdication and enthronement ceremony were reported in Australian news.
** There are many restaurants which provide Japanese food such as sushi, ramen and Japanese sweets and many people like them. Kodomonohi Festival, which is big Japan Festival in Adelaide was held on May 5. In addition to those, there are some DAISO in the city and shopping centre. A lot of Japanese goods are sold there and those cost $2.80. Some Japanese sweets are popular.
** In this way, Japan is more popular than we think in Australia higher than expectations. I am proud to be Japanese and I like Japan more and more.
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**オーストラリアでは、知らない人と言葉を交わす機会がたくさんあります。バスでは、まず乗車するときに運転手さんと Hello. などと挨拶を交わします。そして、バスを降りるときには Thank you. とお礼を言ったり、手をあげたりして感謝の気持ちを伝えます。すると、Have a good day. などと返してくれることがあります。また、お店のレジでも同様に、How are you? などの軽い会話を交わし、最後はSee you later. Have a good day. などと言って別れます。
**さらに、私のホストマザーは何かの列に並ぶといつも見知らぬ人と会話したり、洋服屋の試着室でも「似合っているね」と初対面の人に話しかけたりしています。彼女に限らず、多くの人が積極的に会話している姿を見かけます。オーストラリアでは誰とでも挨拶したり、会話したりするのが普通です。バスなどでこのように挨拶するととても気持ちいいですし、Thank you. と感謝の気持ちをしっかりと口に出して伝えるこの文化が私はとても好きです。

** I have a lot of opportunities to talk with people especially people I don’t know in Australia. For instance, we greet a bus driver. When we get on the bus, we say “Hello.” and when we get off the bus, we say “Thank you.”. We generally talk with a cashier as well. 
** In addition to those, when my host mother queues, she usually talks with people she doesn’t know. I often see these scenes, not only her. I feel good when I greet someone so I like this custom.

**次に、テストと宿題の内容についてです。日本では中間、期末テストなどの大きなテストがありますよね。そのために、テスト前に寝ないで勉強する、という人も多いと思います。しかしオーストラリアでは、そのようなテストはなかなかありません。数学や理科の授業を選択すると時々テストはありますが、日本で例えるなら小テストのようなものです。そのためそれほど大変ではなく、テスト勉強とサクシードに追い詰められるようなことがないのはなかなか幸せです(笑) しかし、レポートの量がとても多いです。自分が選択している各教科から一斉にレポートの課題が出されるとかなり大変です。レポートは、習ったことをただ暗記しただけでは書けません。テーマについて深く調べ、じっくり考え、自分の意見をしっかりまとめて文章にする力が必要です。課題を進める中で、テストには出ないような深いことまで学ぶことができるのでとてもやりがいがあります。そして、授業中寝ている人が全くいません!こちらでは、授業中に寝るともちろん先生に叱られ、友達からもかなり笑われるそうです…。私は、このような違いが現れるのは授業の内容に大きく関係しているのではないかと思います。日本では、先生が話しているのを一方的に聞いたり、ひたすらノートをとったりすることが多いように感じます。しかし、こちらではそのような時間がとても少ないです。習ったことをただインプットするだけでなく、グループワークやディベート、ディスカッションなど、学んだことを頭の中で処理して自分の考えを他人に伝えるアウトプットの作業が圧倒的に多いのです。授業中寝ない、というよりは寝ていられない、というほうが正解なのかもしれません…。

*School life of Japan and Australia
** There are three differences between my school in Australia and Japan. Firstly, the frequency of the club activity is different. Many students join only one club and focus on it almost every day in Japan. But in Australia, most of clubs are held only once or twice a week. So, we can join many clubs. In my case, I belong to a concert band and play the violin. I also join Japanese club and the other three clubs and I do karate twice a week. These clubs are held in the morning or the lunch break and these are held in a short time so I can balance both study and these clubs. I realized both clubs in Japan and Australia have each good point.
** Secondly, tests and homework are different. We have tests which are important and we study very hard in Japan. But we hardly have those tests in Australia. If we take math and science, we sometimes have tests but those are not as important as Japanese one. But we have to write a lot of reports. It is difficult to write a report if we just memorized what we learned at the class. We have to research about the topics on the internet and the book, consider about the topic and explain clearly. We can learn many things that we cannot learn at the class so it is very worthwhile for me.
** Thirdly, some students often sleep during the class in Japan, but there are no sleeping students in Australia. Of course, the teacher gets angry if someone is sleeping. I think this difference is related to what we do during the class. We only listen to teachers who are teaching, and copy everything which teachers write on the blackboard in a notebook in Japan. But in Australia, these time which we have to do like in Japan is very short. We spend most of time to focus on output what we learned, for example; discussion and debate. So, we cannot get sleepy.
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*The conclusion
** I am going to reach the halfway point soon. I cannot believe that. Time passes so quickly… I have a lot of difficulties, I am not extrovert and cannot speak English fluently but I have almost ever felt “I cannot do it anymore.” It is because my host family and friends are very kind to me. For instance, when I give a presentation, I am always not sure if listeners understand what I want to say because my English is not good. Someone wrote a lot of question mark in my report when we check the reports each other. But then my friends said to me, “Your presentation was good!” “I can understand what you want to say.” Their words always save and encourage me. So, I keep an effort to return the favour. 
* Thank you for reading.


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