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20190906 次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告!の変更点


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!!!次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告 8月



みなさんお久しぶりです。次世代リーダー育成道場7期生、立川高校72期生として留学している郄木 現です。ここではオーストラリアに留学中の立高生3人が現地での生活や成長を毎月みなさんにシェアしています。


英語の文章を一つ一つチェックしてくれた友達、Binに感謝でいっぱいです。意味は同じでも違うニュアンスの文章にどうしてもなってしまうので(日本でいう、いますありますの違いのようなものです)、丁寧に説明しながら直してくれる友達がいるのはありがたいです。敬語というものが英語にはありません。ですのでどれがフォーマルでどれがカジュアルなのかを見分けるのは難しいです。例えばmerit and demeritはformal wayでcasual wayはpros and consというらしいです。僕は聞いたこと自体ありませんでした。早速、このレポートの中で使ってみたので是非探してみてください。

Hello everyone, it has been three months since I last wrote. My name is Gen Takaki, I’m a Tachikawa High School student. I am currently studying abroad in Adelaide, South Australia, for one year under the “Jisedai Leaders Program”. To the people who’re reading this, whether you have read the previous reports or not, I share with you my findings of the Australian culture and my experiences living in this foreign country. This will be my seventh as well as final report. I only have three months left here before returning back to Japan.
Though seven months have passed already, I still haven’t completed my bucket list, and there’re also many things that I yet to know of about this place, its people, their language, and the culture, as it takes time to fully understand everything. Being in such a different environment, constantly reminds me of my roots in Japan, making me fully aware of my true nature as a Japanese child who was born and raised in Japan before coming to such an unfamiliar environment. I could now confidently say that not only have I made many friends and grasped a better understanding on the culture, I also managed to understand myself better and have a much more open minded outlook.
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Here’re three things that I took away from my time here.



*Harder than I expected
As I wrote last time, I wasn’t able to accept the life here so easily at first. I struggled with getting used to living here, as it took some time for me to adapt to an environment which does not allow me to do the things I usually did back in Japan. To be honest, I didn't imagine that it would take so long for me to get used to living here, now that I am due to living here for an amount of time, I realised how different this place is compared to Japan. I also now have a better idea of what Australia is actually like as opposed to what I initially thought this country would be like. At first I was nervous, every single day, about living in Australia, but as time went on, I slowly came to realise how I feel more alive than ever since I came here. Though there are exhausting times, the rough days only make me appreciate the good days even more.


*Realising that my life in Australia has a limit
As we all know, life is limited, and so is my time living here as an exchange student, it won’t last much longer as of me writing this. Life has changed since I began to use my time in a more productive way. Even just doing the little everyday things such as getting my assessment tasks done, studying everyday for a minimum of two hours, eating properly and getting in a decent amount of exercise etc. all give me confidence and fulfilment in my daily life. I even set a bucket list and am trying to achieve all my goals and wishes with the help of my newly made friends.
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*My change in opinion of how others view our country and culture
After coming here, I soon realised how common it is for people to have a certain degree of knowledge of Japan and the Japanese culture. Not everyone knew the same amount of things nor did nor said the same things, but I had very similar responses and more responses than expected when they saw me, knowing that I’m Japanese. For example, some people would greet me by saying “konnichiwa” (hello in Japanese) or “I’ve been to Japan before” or “I really want to visit Japan”, hearing the type of impression Japan has made on these people, also made me approach thinking about Japan, my own country in a new way as well. Most of these people are usually interested in the Japanese culture in areas such as our food, manners, anime, and famous landmarks.

However, when it came to political topics, usually the one thing that most people are concerned about, is the relationship between Japan, China, and Korea. “Despite being such close neighbours and having so many similarities, why can’t they just get along with each other?” was a phrase that meant a lot to me after hearing from more than just one person. People say that our countries aren’t friends with each other, this statement simply refers to the government therefore saying that they are enemies in a political sense, however, if we look closer at what makes a country what it is, it is the people. The citizens are the ones who make up its country, and judging from what I’ve heard, most the citizens themselves don’t seem to hold any hatred towards the so called enemy countries, they either don’t seem to care much, or even take a liking to each other’s’ cultures.

I am aware that there are people who have a distaste towards each other’s’ countries, and I am aware that most these people feel this way due to our countries’ history with each other. However, no matter how hard we try to cut ties with each other, our history connects our culture together, which is why certain parts of our culture and beliefs are similar to each other’s. We must spend time and effort to recognise what’s more important, start acting more mature, and reconstruct our relationship with each other. I wish that our government as well as their governments could act more like grownups, as I want to be proud to be Japanese, as well as proud to be friends with the other countries such as China and Korea.

!!Ski trip
8/10~17の一週間、学校のSki tripに行きました。自費参加なのですが友達に誘われて興味があったので申し込みました。やったことのないスノーボードを選びましたがこれがまた難しくなかなかコツがつかめません。数え切れないほど転び、体は筋肉痛でボロボロです。しかし最後の方で突然周りの景色が一変し、ある程度滑れるようになったことを実感しました。新しいことに挑戦し達成するのにはそれ相応のリスクがついてきます。ただそれを乗り越えたときに広がる景色は格別なものでしょう。留学も同じように終わったときまた違った世界が見えるのかなあと思ったりしながらも無事この旅行を終えることができました。貴重な経験でした。


*Ski trip(10/08/2019〜17/08/2019)
My friends were eager to invite me onto our school’s ski trip, and highly insisted me on going, I was inevitably persuaded and decided to join last second. Snowboarding was rather hard at first, the longer I spent out on the snow, the more amount of times I ended up stacking it, and on top of that, my muscles became more and more sore the next day. Though it took some trial and error, but I eventually got the hang of it, and as soon as that happened, my way of perceiving my surroundings became completely different. I started having more fun, and felt more excited rather than nervous, this experienced showed me how, even though risk and mistakes are inevitable when you try something new, you will eventually overcome it with hard work and the right attitude, as soon as you can do that, learning new things becomes much more fun and interesting. Even while away from Adelaide, my time spent in Falls Creek still constantly pushed me to reach for greater heights everyday, as I put in all my effort with the intention of achieving the best possible outcome that I could in order to make my time spent there worthwhile, in the same sense that I do while being here in Adelaide. I am truly grateful towards my parents who paid for all my expenses as well as grateful towards my friends who invited me.
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話しかけてくれる友達やわからないところを教えてくれる友達のおかげで充実した学校生活を送っています。教科はVisual design, ESL, Wood Work, Business, Food Hospitalですがどれもこれも暗記は必要ありません。大事なのは読解力、情報収集力、プレゼン能力(スピーチ、文章)でその分課題も多く少し大変です。Free lessonの間は日本語クラスに参加させてもらっています。形式的に日本語学ぶのは英語よりもはるかに難しそうです。



I’ve been living an amazing school life thanks to the friendly students who greet me everyday, as well as many good friends who converse with me on a daily basis, and helps me with any questions I have relating to English or Australia, and even make time to help me out with my assessment tasks despite them having their own work to do. I currently study business, wood work, food & hospitality, visual design, ESL, and the Japanese teacher allows me to join their Japanese class during my free lessons. In Japan it is compulsory for us to take around 15 different subjects, that is the norm in Japan, although this may sound more difficult in comparison to the Australian education system, that is in actuality not necessarily the case. There’re pros and cons in both educational systems, and I feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to experience them both.


You might be wondering how my English skills have been progressing. In regards to my comprehension skills, Though I sometimes may not hear a few words that they say properly, and I may come across certain words that I’m unfamiliar with, I feel like I could still probably understand more than 80% of the natives’ conversations. With an abundance of opportunities to practice my speaking skills every day, I also gradually began to realise as I speak to my friends, that the tempo of our conversations became faster and faster. I feel confused at times, and self-conscious about my mispronunciation due to my Japanese accent, but regardless of that, I still gradually and steadily improve my English skills, and feel more motivated to master the English language more than ever before.






Thank you for reading, this is a bit long isn’t it? I guess that can’t be helped, as we three are always just so enthusiastic about writing every report. I wish that after reading this, it inspires you to also go try out something new, go to a different place away from where you live, get out of your comfort zone, and do something exciting. If I managed to inspire you, I wish for you to also be able to do the same and inspire others, why not spread the positivity around right? Thank you once again, I appreciate your time, see you and take care.
Gen Takaki

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