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20190924 次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告!


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次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告 9月

 はじめに - Introduction


Hello, everyone. I am Miki Itoi. I am studying abroad in Australia as Jisedai Leaders Program. I have only 2 months to go to return to Japan. I would like to share not only what I felt, but also what I think about study abroad.

 学んだこと、感じたこと - What I felt

校外学習、遠足 - Excursion

 先日、Outdoor Educationという授業で世界遺産のNaracoorte Cave National Parkに行き、三泊四日のケービング、洞窟探検とキャンプをしてきました。洞窟の中は立って歩けるような場所はとても少なく、匍匐前進でないと通り抜けられないところがたくさんありました。人生で数えるほどしか洞窟に入ったことがないのにレベルが高すぎる!と最初は不安でしたが、全身砂だらけになりながらも無事終えることができ、とても貴重な経験になりました。また、この洞窟は昔の動物の化石がたくさんきれいな状態で残っていることから世界化石遺産にも登録されており、カンガルーの祖先の化石などの多くの貴重な遺産を見たり学んだりすることもできました。

また、Food and Cultureという食について学ぶ授業では、世界中の料理や食材がたくさん売られているシティのセントラルマーケットに行って各国の食の違いについて学んだり、Concert BandやChoirなどのクラブに参加しているのでMelroseやFlinders Ranges付近の4つの小学校で二泊三日かけてコンサートをしに行ったり、こちらではたくさんの校外学習や遠足をする機会があります。日本ではなかなかそのような機会がないので、その中でたくさんいい経験ができるのがとても楽しいです。

I went to the Naracoorte Caves National Park and experienced caving and camping for three nights and four days. We had to crawl because the cave roof is very low and there are few places in the cave where I could stand and walk. I have never been in a cave as many times in my life, so I was nervous at first, but it was fun and it became an unforgettable experience for me.

This cave is registered as a World Fossil Heritage Site because a lot of fossils of old animals remain, and we can see and learn many valuable heritages such as the fossil of ancestors of kangaroos.

Additionally, in a Food and Culture class, I went to the Central Market in the city where many cuisines and ingredients from around the world are sold, and I learned about the differences in food from each country. I also participated in a Music Tour for two nights and three days, and performed in concerts at four primary schools in the regions of Melrose and The Flinders Rangers. I do not have many opportunities to go to these types of excursions in Japan, so it was really fun to have a lot of good experiences.

ロイヤルアデレードショー - The Royal Adelaide Show

 先日、年に一度9月上旬ごろに開催されるRoyal Adelaide Show に行ってきました。このイベントは、アデレードで一番大きい祭りです。といっても、日本のものとはだいぶ違います。この祭りは、約180年も続いている伝統的な農業祭です。当初は、家畜の品評会、農業機械の展示会、豚などの動物のレースなどがメインのお祭りでしたが、最近では屋台やアトラクションも多く、家族連れなど毎年とても多くの人が訪れています。


I went to the Royal Adelaide Show at the beginning of September. This show is the biggest festival in Adelaide. This is quite different from Japanese festivals and is a traditional agricultural festival that has been going on for about 180 years. Initially, the main events of the show were livestock fairs, agricultural machinery exhibitions and animal races such as pigs, but recently there are a lot of stalls and rides, and many people such as families visit there. There was a merry-go-round and Ferris wheel, so it looked like an amusement park.

I spent too much money because everything was expensive especially the rides, but I had a great experience in an atmosphere that I cannot feel in Japan.

節水 - Saving water


As many of you know, Australia is dry and water is very valuable. Like Japan, it is rare to have a bath every day, and the shower is often limited to 5 minutes. Laundry is done only once or twice a week. In addition, I have rarely seen washing dishes with flowing water since I came here. In my host family’s house, all used dishes are put in a dishwasher and washed together when it is full. When we cook and wash the dishes at school, we add water to the sink, hang the detergent in it, and wipe it off with a towel without washing the detergent with water. I felt uncomfortable at first, but I was able to reconfirm that water is so important. We are rarely in trouble with water in Japan, but I felt it is important to try to save water consciously.

ハイテクなごみ収集車 - High technology rubbish truck


Rubbish is thrown in the truck by people when it is collected from each house in Japan. But in Australia, a machine which is attached to the truck plays that part instead of people. It was quite shocking for me, so I talked to my host family about the difference between the two countries, they were very surprised. Additionally, we talked about working environment and death from overwork which is a big issue in Japan. Compared to Japan, it is said that their environment where many people can go home on time, is normal. It is not easy to change the working environment, but we can change it little by little if we actively incorporate devised ideas such as that truck.

実は大きく違ったアメリカ英語とイギリス英語 - The difference between American and British accent



  • 1.発音の違い

 いちばん大きな違いといえるのは、“r”の発音です。日本では舌を巻いて発音しなさいとよく言われますよね。ただ、舌を巻いて発音するのはアメリカ英語のほうです。イギリス英語はrをあまり発音しません。例えば、herと発音するとき、イギリス英語は舌を丸めずに「ハー」と日本語のカタカナに近い音になります。そのため、日本人にとっては発音しやすい英語だと言えるでしょう。そのほかにもcan’t を「キャント」ではなく「カント」と読むなどたくさんの違いがあります。

  • 2.つづりの違い


    • Center → Centre
    • Realize → Realise
    • Color → Colour
    • License → Licence
    • Dialog → Dialogue


このほかにも、イギリス英語では vacation ではなくholiday を使うなど、使用する単語も違います。また、ei をaiと発音するというオーストラリア独特の訛りもあり、todayは「トゥダイ」に、eightは「アイト」に近い発音になります。このように、同じ英語でも異なる発音やつづりのものが多くあります。

Today, English is spoken in a lot of countries. However, there are different types such as American accent and British accent. American accent is taught in Japanese high schools, but in Australian people speak with a type of British accent, so I was surprised at first. I am going to tell you about that difference.

The UK is the birthplace of English, so they use the words and grammar that are correct and polite. On the other hand, a lot of abbreviations are used in the US. That is because many immigrants are living in the US, so they want to communicate easily. I would like to introduce two different types which are pronunciation and spelling.

The pronunciation of “r” is the biggest difference between American and British accents. We are taught the rhotic accent which is US, and used in Japan. However, Australian people are non-rhotic speakers. English spoken by them is pronounced close to Japanese, so it can be said that the British accent is easier to pronounce for us.

There are many differences in spelling, such as center and centre, and color and colour. Why the spelling is so different? That is because changing the spelling makes it easier to read because it is closer to the pronunciation.

The words that we use are also different. For instance, we use “holiday” in Australia and the UK, but in the US, they use “vacation”. That is not all. English used in the UK and Australia are also different. We say “ai” when we pronounce “a” such as today, instead of “ei”. In this way, there are many big differences even in the same English language.

 留学について - About study abroad




A lot of people think that studying abroad has a purpose which is to be able to speak English. Certainly, that is one of the big goals and actually we can improve our English skill. However, that is not all. I have met a lot of people and learnt different values and ideas as well as words and having an advantage of accepting them. Also, I feel like I have taken the first step toward self-reliance by living away from my parents and friends in Japan for about a year, living in an unknown place, doing housework such as washing and cleaning during homestay. When I have a problem, I have to solve it using poor English. I have to deal with many things that I used to depend on my parents and others for. It was not easy to get used to these things, but I think I have grown a lot as a person to overcome it.

In addition to that, I feel the support of people around me more than ever. Especially when I just started studying abroad there were lots of new and unfamiliar things. I am very grateful and will never forget that my family, friends and teachers always cared and helped me at that time. I feel really happy to study in Australia under such circumstances.

Just because you study abroad doesn't mean speaking English becomes fluent. The only thing that has grown naturally is listening skill, and reading and speaking skills are grown through steady efforts such as fulfilling your vocabulary and talking to many people consciously. Also, it is often said that you will be able to speak English fluently after 3 months, but to be honest, it is not true. In my case, I could not improve my speaking skills and sometimes felt impatient. However, as I piled up the conversations, English has gradually started to come out naturally. I feel that effort is very important.

 終わりに - Conclusion


I have only 2 months to go before I leave here. These 8 months have been the hardest and the most fulfilling time of my life. I have a joy to return to Japan and meet my friends and family, but it is very sad to leave here and say goodbye to my friends in Australia. I want to cherish the rest of the time in here. Thank you for reading.

最終更新時間:2019年09月21日 15時22分42秒
