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20191009 次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告!の変更点


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!!!次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告 10月



!!はじめに<the beginning>

Hello, my name is Kesshin Oda in the 72nd. I applied to the next generation leader development program by Tokyo prefecture last year and I started my study abroad in the State of Michigan since the late of last August.

There are two more student in Tachikawa high school who are studying abroad in Canada at the same time. Each student has been asked to report on their own life experience.

!!学校生活<my school life>
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A month has passed since I started to go to the local school and time has been moving quickly.  I don’t always understand what my teacher is saying and the events that are sometimes held too. I got used to my high school life in the United States. I am going to introduce the subjects I took in first semester.
,1.Web design,2.Marriage Parenting,3.Chemistry,4.English speech,5.AP calculus,6.American government





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The first period is the class to make the websites. It was especially hard at first because I am not good at computers. I am always helped by the student next to me because he is wonderful at computers. 

I think the subject in the second period is similar to home economics in Japan. I have learned about family issues. The third period is chemistry. I am studying about the orbit of electrons now. 

The fourth period is speech class. It is a required subject for all senior students. The class is divided into two groups to give their speech. Sometimes while the other group gives their speech and we have nothing to do. My teacher let us to go library. I often eat snacks with my friends in the caf&eacute; next to the library on such a day. 

After fourth class, we eat lunch. I usually bring sandwich and cookie for lunch from home. There are stores in the cafeteria and I often buy my favorite gummy snack. I sit with my soccer friends and they like their food spicy.

The class of fifth period is calculus. It is basically easier math than I used to learn, but it takes time if the sentences of problem are long.

I learn about the structure of American government in the sixth class. I can understand the structure because it basically similar to the Japanese one. Sometimes, my teacher just talks about something funny and I fall asleep. 

After sixth class, I go to a class called seminar. Some people go to the teacher to ask questions. It is a private study hour. After that, I go to soccer practice. I have practice almost every day. We travel to other schools for games by getting on a school bus. Summer sports will end in October and winter sports are start in November.

!!思うこと、まとめ<What I think, summary>
At first, I experienced many new things and had some troubles I didn’t expect. I think these are the very “impractical proposition”, but there were somethings better than I expected too. My host family are so nice, my city is safety place, and I like the guys in soccer club. Also, some people are very kind. I feel like I am in great environment. I must appreciate the people who support my life such as family, friends and teachers. So, I keep in mind to say thank you to everyone. Actually, I don’t feel like hearing and speaking English here has improved my skills. Now I just got used to “life style”. It takes time to understand what my friends, teacher, and host family says. I sometimes hear the words I know in the conversation. This is my poor English skills and I would like to keep making efforts to improve.


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