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20191106 次世代リーダー育成道場7期生からの報告!の変更点


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 Hi, I am Sakura Ide. I have been in Australia for 9 months as a Jisedai leader program student. Time goes by so fast and there is only one month left. In this report I am going to focus on the people who gave me many precious experiences.

 私はこの留学期間、現地の家庭にホームステイをさせて頂いています。私の滞在先のホストファミリーは、三歳、六歳、八歳、九歳の四人の子供がいる六人家族です。このホームステイは、英会話初心者の私にとってとても良い環境です。子供が四人いる家庭に滞在するのはどんな生活なのかと聞かれることがあるのですが、常に誰かが会話をしていて、英語を聞くことができるため、そのおかげで耳が英語に慣れました。また、子供達は留学生だからといって気を遣ってゆっくり話すことがないので、そのスピードにも鍛えられました。 庭でバスケットボールをしたり、将棋をさしたり、六歳のホストシスターと一緒に英語の発音練習をしたり、習い事や小学校の集会に行ったりと子供達がいるからこそできたことが沢山あります。そして、Flinders Rangesやサーフィン教室のあるビーチに泊まりがけで行き、現地の家族の休日らしい体験を沢山させてくれた滞在先の両親に、とても感謝しています。普段の生活の中でも、学校や習い事のことで悩んでいるときに相談に乗ってくれたたおかげで、見知らぬ土地でも新しいことに挑戦することができました。出来るだけリビングにいて積極的に会話をすることで、オーストラリア の家庭の文化をより深く理解し、自分のことを知ってもらうことも心がけています。

!!My host family 

 I have been staying with a local host family since I came to Australia. The homestay experience has provided me with many chances to improve my English skills. I can always hear my host family speaking in English since my host family has 4 young children who are 9 years old, 8 years old, 6 years old and 3 years old. By hearing the native speakers’ conversations everyday, it has helped me to develop my ears for the new language. Especially, the children talked to me quicker than my friends who carefully choose simple words and speak slower for the international students. This enabled me to get used to the real speed of their conversations. With these children, I could easily try using new phrases without being embarrassed. So there are more opportunities to have natural conversations than when I am in classrooms. Watching my host brother’s basketball games, seeing their primary school assembly and even practicing the pronunciation of “th” with my 6 years old host sister. It feels like these events only happened yesterday and I am extremely grateful for my host family for providing me with such great memories. They occasionally took me to visit key features of Adelaide such as Flinders Ranges and beaches. They also offered me take part in every activity of their daily lives as well. Furthermore, they advised me about school, club activities and so much more always helped me immensely. For example, when I told my host mother that I’m looking for a dance club, she immediately introduced me to her local knowledge. I have been aiming to deepen my understanding of their culture by trying to spend more time and actively communicate with them.
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 3 weeks ago, I was taken to a hospital by an ambulance due to my allergic reaction. I was surprised by the unexpected reaction, but that was not the only thing that surprised me. An ambulance attendant was much more cheerful than I had imagined and he entertained me a lot while I was transported to the hospital. At the end of the medical treatment, I found the sickroom was decorated with illumination lights. I was expecting the day to be “worst day of my life”, however, it was widely different from what I was expecting in a good way. I appreciated my host family for calling the ambulance and being truly responsible for my health.



 While my host family was away from Adelaide, I had been staying with another host family. The home stay had two other students and I realized that living with other students from different background gave me opportunities to familiarize with their cultures. Since I was lucky enough to have a lovely host family who let me experience many things, I could have spectacular and precious experience with them. I am so thankful for the host family. By experiencing the two family, I found that there is a similarity between the two families. That is the division of household chores between the host parents. As far as I know, the host fathers did their housework more than the Japanese father’s do. I think that doing the housework is not special for them because all the family members are in charge of working for the family. I like how they take the importance of spending time with their family. In Japan, husbands are in charge of feeding their family while wives are expected to do all the housework. I believe that if this traditional manner can be changed, the gender equality in housework would be improved. This experience reminded me of the value to cherish my family and becoming more responsible for my family’s housework. Therefore, when I return to Japan, I would like to help my mother with the housework and appreciate her hard work. 

 This is literally the first time for me to live with other families for a long term. As I mentioned before, living and observing other families make it possible to objectively think about my own family. In my opinion, living with a local family is the best way to learn about their values and different aspects of life. The experience with my host family became a big part of my memories in Australia as they provided me with a lot of care and comfort.

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!!My school life 

 As an international student, everything seemed new to me when I went to school for the first time. I think that I would have not been able to get over many things without local students’ help. Although it was actually hard to work in the mainstream class especially during the first semester, I still enjoyed my school life. Without my friends, I would not have been able to have as much fun at school. They gave me many opportunities to hang out together even though I could barely understand what they were talking about when I started to mingle with them, they kindly supported me a lot. I sincerely appreciate my friend who have had patience for my English skills and helped me a lot to get used to school. I would like to thank them for trying to understand what I am saying and being such nice friends.


 オーストラリアの高校には、Year8からYear12 があり、私はYear10として学校に在籍しています来年の選択科目の話から、進路についての話に発展した際、「どこの大学で学ぶか」よりも「何を大学で学ぶか」についての会話が圧倒的に多いと感じました。日本でよく聞く、大学にまつわる質問といえば「どこの大学出身?」で、「大学で何を専攻したの?」という会話は二の次なところがあるように思います。その違いの背景には、いわゆる良い大学、良い会社に入ることよりも、自分のやりたいことや得意なことを深く学び、それを生かして仕事にすることを目標にするオーストラリア の人々の価値観があると思います。

 選択科目の話をするとき以外でも、将来何がしたいかを聞かれる機会が多々あります。(ちなみに陽気な救急隊員にも聞かれました)以前は、目の前のことに追われて将来のことまで気が回らず、将来の話をすること自体にも苦手意識がありました。自分の興味のあることを人に話して模索していくうちに、気づけばバスで隣に座っていたお爺さんのWhat do you want to do in the future ? という問いに自信をもって答えられるようになっていました。

 The High Schools in Australia have 5 year levels, Year 8 to Year 12. I enrolled to the school as a Year 10 exchange student at the beginning of this year. Because my friends in Year 10 needed to decide the subjects for next year, they were frequently talking about their future path after high school graduation. What they were mainly talking about was “what I want to learn at university” and which university to go seems to be not as important. The people in Australia may wonder why, however, in Japan, the university you attend is the most important. For instance, people will ask me, “What university do you go to? “rather than “What are you learning at the university?”. 
 I think in Australia, people focus on what they are passionate about and gain deep knowledge, on the other hand, we are expected to have standard knowledge of comprehensive topics in Japan. I believe the Australians’ career objective is to succeed in what they want to do in their life rather than being hired by “good “companies. Also, there are many occasions which I am asked about the future path. Even in Ambulance, I was asked about my future path by  the cheerful and optimistic ambulance attendant. I used to hesitate to talk about my own future path because I hardly had clues for it. 
However, as people constantly asked me questions on what I want to do in the future, I started thinking about what I like doing and where my passions are. This has eventually enabled me to confidently answer what I want to do in the future.


 先日、Outdoor education のクラスでキャンプがありました。16キロの荷物を背負いながら、携帯なしで協力して地図を読み、ロッククライミング並みに傾斜の急な山道を20キロ以上歩いた3日間は想像以上に大変でしたが、一日の終わりにキャンプファイヤを囲んでギターの演奏を聞いたり、ゲームをしたり、自分たちで運んで設置したテントの中でのおしゃべりには特別感があり、とても楽しかったです。最後には、仲間と一緒に3日間歩ききった達成感がありました。

 I participated in a three days camp for my outdoor education class. Our class walked more than 20 km steep trails with a heavy backpack, which weighed approximately 16 kg. Furthermore, we had to figure out where to go without maps on our phones. You could probably imagine how hard it was for me as I have never been camping before. It required a great deal of effort and It was full of challenges. But more importantly, the accomplishment after the camp was much greater than those challenges and I could gain knowledge about the Australian natural environment.

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 Year10の進路指導の一環として行われている、職場体験学習にも参加しました。希望する職場に連絡を取り、自分で許可を取らなければならず、苦労しましたが、1週間、支援員として小学校で日本語を教えることができました。日本語の授業はYear1 からYear7まであり、早い段階から、外国語学習が始まっていることに驚きました。実際に教えるまでは、17年間学んでいる日本語を教えることに対して自信があったのですが、英語力はもちろん、日本語では直訳できない文や、日本語で言うと複雑になり過ぎてしまう文を、分かりやすく言い換える力も必要とされる難しい仕事だと感じました。ですが、オーストラリアで日本語や日本文化について学んでくれている人達がいることを、日本人としてとても嬉しく思いました。

 Our school suggests Year 10 students to do work experience and it required us to make an appointment by ourselves. I went to a Primary school as a student teacher and joined in Year 1 to Year 7 Japanese classes. I found that the sooner they start learning a second language, the better they can familiarize themselves with the language. Since I started learning English when I was in Year 7 in Japan, I wished I could have started learning English earlier. Before I started the work experience, I was confident in teaching Japanese because I have been learning it for about 16 years. However, I found that this job requires much higher English skills than I have as well as the ability of translating English sentences into simple Japanese. Above all, I am so glad to know that there are many students who learn Japanese in Australia.

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!!In conclusion 

 As it has always been in my mind that I have only 10 months to stay, I have been trying to interact with as many people as I can. Therefore, I got to know a wide variety of people who inspired me a lot. I never felt like I am isolated thanks to the people who have supported me from Japan and those who made me feel welcomed. I would like to thank them  for all of their support. I will try my best to get the most out of my limited time remaining in Australia. 




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