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 Hello everyone. I’m a 73rd generation student in Tachikawa High School. I’m studying abroad in Rotorua, New Zealand, for one year under the “Jisedai Leaders Program”. I wrote about the food and my school life in the last essay. Today, I’m going to tell you about the reputation that New Zealand (NZ) has got because of Corona virus, and the past and current situation, based on what I experienced here. These things are quite interesting because these are slightly different in each country because the characteristics are different in each county. I experienced and found some interesting differences by comparing Japan and NZ. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my essay.



 日本では1月16日頃に国内で初めて感染者が発見されましたが、NZでは、それから一カ月以上経った2月26日頃に国内初感染者が出ました。NZでは、その後じわじわと感染者が増えていき、13人の新規感染者が出た3月21日にCOVID-19 AlertをLevel 2に設定しました。この時が、初めてNZ政府が“呼びかけ”だけでなく、数字で警戒レベルを示し、レベルごとのルールの詳細、違反した場合の法的措置などを国民に示したときです。

 COVID-19 Alertは全部でlevel 1 (prepare)、level 2 (reduce)、level 3 (restrict)、level 4 ( lockdown)と4つあります。

 NZ政府が初めて国民に対してAlertのレベルを示した3月21日の2日後である23日にはlevel 3に引き上げ、その2日後の25日にはlevel 4、最高警戒レベルまで引き上げました。3月21日から僅か4日間でロックダウンまで実施したのです。この対応の早さは世界的にも早期で、厳格でした。この4日間、私の学校の先生方は何度もミーティングを開き、政府がこれからどう動くかを予測し、準備していたのを覚えています。したがって、私達「まさかロックダウンまではいかないだろう」などと呑気に構えていた生徒たちに対して、先生方は、「私たちはいつロックダウンになってもいいように方針を示していくから、迅速に対応してください。」と言いました。そして実際に、4日間の間で、全教科で「ロックダウンになった時に、各自で学習をどうすすめていくか」を示してくれました。したがって、ロックダウン開始が公表された25日、5時間目に校内放送が流れ、その日の午後11時59分からロックダウンが急遽開始されることを生徒・教師全員が初めて知ったときも、全員が落ち着いていられたのだと思います。

 ロックダウン中は、google classroomのアプリを使って教師が生徒に対して期日付きの課題を出して、生徒は出来上がった課題を写真やファイルでgoogle classroom上で提出するという分かりやすい流れでした。

 ロックダウンを意味するlevel 4では、以下のようなルールがあります。病院やスーパーなど生活に必須な場所で働く労働者以外は全員リモートワーク、スーパーへの買い出しは各家庭一人ずつ、旅行は禁止、ソーシャルディスタンスを保った散歩やランニングは許可されるが、カヤックなどのアクティビティは禁止、などです。そのため、車に二人以上の人が乗っていた場合、巡回している警察に声をかけられます。なので、私は基本的には家の中で勉強していましたが、時々7歳と16歳のホストシスターと遊んだり、家の周りを散歩することで、限られた中でもなんとか日々を充実させるように、楽しめるようにと工夫しながら生活していました。しかし、散歩に行くときには近所の家すべてに「散歩をする」というメッセージを送り、通報されないように注意しなければいけませんでした。また、日本とNZの間を運航する飛行機がストップし、日本からNZへ、手紙や必要なものを送ることができませんでした。

 こういった厳格なルールの基、国民が大きな反発をせずに政府の方針に従うことができたのは、アーダーン首相をはじめとしたNZ政府の働きが理由の一つに挙げられます。アーダーン首相は世界で初めて首相任期中に産休を取得したことで知られています。コロナウイルスが国内で流行したときから今まで、”Be kind, stay calm”といったスローガンを出し、記者の質問には誠実に答え、国民に方針を明確に示していました。他にも、ニュージーランド出身で有名なシンガーであるStan Walkerが歌うTake It Easyという曲が、NZの若者に対しての支援金をつくるためにリリースされました。この歌のMVでは、NZ出身の俳優やタレントなどが歌っています。この歌は、テレビやラジオで何度も流れていました。とてもいい曲なので、ぜひ聞いてみてください。


 ロックダウンが開始されてから一カ月以上経った4月27日にlevel 3に引き下げられました。このときは、エッセンシャルワーカーの子供で、且つyear 10(中3)以下の生徒のみが学校に通うことが許されました。そのため、私はlevel 2 に引き下がる日まで学校に戻ることができませんでした。この期間は本当にもどかしかったです。家の中で勉強しているだけでは英語の上達を実感できず、留学にきているのに自分の成長を感じることができない日々に焦っていました。しかし、ホストファミリーが少しでも毎日を楽しくしようと工夫してくれたおかげでこの時期を乗り越えることができました。ロックダウン開始から約1カ月半後、ようやく学校に戻って友達と再会できた時は本当にうれしかったです。

 その後しばらくの間新規感染者数は0人でしたが、海外から帰国した国民から再びコロナウイルスが発見されると、NZ政府は全国をlevel 2に引き上げ、現在の新規感染者数は多くても2、3人にとどまっています。

 ちなみに、日本が東京を含む特定のエリアで緊急事態宣言を出したのは4月7日でした。その後新規感染者は日々減っていったものの、いまだにPCR検査を簡単に受けられないことやGo Toキャンペーンなどが問題になっています。やはり、NZと日本には人口の点で大きな違いがあります。そのため、失業者への補助や都心でのソーシャルディスタンスを保つ難しさ、国民の抑制/取り締まりの困難さは二国間で大きく違います。なので、日本がNZのように国境を封鎖し、ロックダウンを行うのは厳しいことです。


 Corona virus has gone on a rampage around the world, and lots of people are suffering because of this virus. New Zealanders (kiwis as they are called by themselves) say the government did very well to protect them during this crisis. Their strategy was good enough to be featured in the news overseas, because it was a good model for other countries governments to consider.

 I came to NZ on 26th of January which is the time that Corona virus started to spread in Japan.

 In Japan, the first case was found on 16th of January. In NZ, the first case was found on 26th of February, which more than one month later since the day the first cases appeared in Japan. After this time, in NZ, increased day by day. On 21st of March, there were 13 new cases in NZ, and government decided to rise the COVID-19 Alert to level 2. This is the first time that the NZ government showed kiwis what could be changed, rules of time levels, and the actions that would be taken to people who didn’t follow the rules.
There are 4 levels in the COVID-19 Alert system. The detail of these 4 alert levels are: level 1 (prepare)、level 2 (reduce)、level 3 (restrict)、level 4 ( lockdown).

 On 23rd of March, which was two days after the level 2 was announced, it went to level 3, then on 25th of March, the alert level rose to level 4, which is the highest level. It took only four days from level 2 to lockdown. This quick decision and movement with very strict rules were quite unusual compared with other countries. I remember that the teachers were doing lots of meeting anticipating what the government would do next. These teacher’s telling students, who were laid back (people who are easygoing), to think about corona virus seriously. The teachers told us, “we will keep letting you know what the next decisions are, so follow us”. In each subject the teachers told us what to do. We heard the announcement which said we’ll be in the lockdown from 11:59pm on that day, very suddenly at school. However, we were kind of calm because the teachers told us what we would do from that time before the announcement.

 The basic system to do our school work and assessment was quite easy to understand. We used our own computers and access to a Google classroom. The teachers attached some class work and assessments which we should do with the deadlines. After finishing the assessments, we just needed to hand in them on the Google classroom.

 During lockdown (COVID-19 Alert level 4), there were quite strict rules we had to follow. For instance, workers, except for essential workers, had to work from home remotely, only one person from one family could go to the supermarket, travelling wasn’t allowed, and activities such as kayaking weren’t allowed. The only exceptions were walking or running around their neighborhood. If we broke these rules, there were punishments. Patrolling police spoke to people in the cars when there were two or more people. The, NZ government told us form “bubbles”, which commonly means “family units” or “groups of people who were to stay together until the level was lifted”. Therefore, we normally stayed home and studied. We still tried to enjoy our lives and made them productive by walking, running, and playing with my host sisters even though the things we could do were limited because of lockdown. When we were walking, we needed to send texts to our neighbors to let them know that we would go walking. We had to do this so they didn’t call the police. During the lockdown, I couldn’t send or receive the letters or parcels from Japan because the border was closed.

 Under these strict rules that limited our life, most of kiwis followed them. One of the reasons why we could follow them is the effort and the approach by the NZ government. Jacinda Ardern who is the Prime Minister of NZ, is the first Prime Minister to take maternity leave, in the world. The NZ government showed us their vision clearly with the Prime Minister answering our question sincerely. They told us the slogan, which is “Be kind, stay calm”. The song, “Take it Easy,” sung by Stan Walker who is a NZ singer was released to support and fund youth in NZ. This song was played on TV or radio quite often. I hope you’ll listen to this song, because this song is really nice. Lots of famous people in NZ came up in this song’s music video.

 For these reasons, new cases were zero for two weeks after lockdown. This means Corona virus was eliminated from NZ. 

 On the 23rd of April, which is more than one month after the starting of lockdown the COVID-19 Alert was lowered to level 3. This meant the children under year 11 and their parents who are essential workers, could start going back to school. Therefore, I couldn’t improve and I couldn’t meet with my friends. I could get over this time thanks to my host family making days more fun. Another a few weeks later, we could finally go back to school. I was so happy.

 After starting going to school and start opening borders, new cases came up in the community in NZ. These cases were from New Zealanders who came back to NZ from overseas. After this, more new cases came up within the community. Therefore, the NZ government decided to rise the levels immediately. There are around 3 to 5 cases these days, and most of them are from quarantine, which was good.

 Incidentally, the Japanese government announced to the public a “state of emergency” for particular prefectures, on 7th of April. After that, the new cases started decreasing every day. However, the Japanese people still have issues which need to be sorted out, such as the difficulty that people take a PCR test, and “Go to Travel”, and “Go to Eat” campaigns. As you know, there is a big difference of population with Japan and NZ. Therefore, in Japan, it’s much more difficult to support people who lose their jobs because of Corona virus. It’s also difficult to keep distances in the urban areas, and controlling people’s movements. It’s not realistic to hold a lockdown with strict rules like NZ in Japan.

 However, the quick movement, effort, and reliable attitude of the NZ government, gave us a sense of security, and we felt like following them.

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(During lockdown, we walked along the lake edge.)
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(We cycled in the paddock at the back of our house.)
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(Making meals was one of the things I liked during the lockdown. I made a basil pasta using the leaves off the basil from our planter.)
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(We camped in our garden. The small tent is for my little host sister.)

 Thank you very much for reading my essay. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this. I hope Corona virus will be settled soon. Even though the Corona virus was widespread, so many people supported me, such as my family in Japan, my friends here in NZ, and most importantly my host family, more than anyone else. They supported me even though people were confused. I have less than one month left in NZ. I really appreciate the people around me, and I won’t waste the precious time I have left in NZ. Wako Suematsu



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