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20171010 次世代リーダー育成道場第5期生からのメッセージ(その2)


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20171010 次世代リーダー育成道場第5期生からのメッセージ(その2)

 Hi! I'm Suzuna Kobayashi, an exchange student in America.

 I want to talk about the difference between American and Japan regarding my life.

1.High school students

 In American high schools, there are students around age 14~17 and separated into 4 grades. There are many girl students, no matter the grade, wearing make up in America. High school students in America look more adult-like than those in Japan. Actually, I often get mistaken for younger than my age.In America, we can get a license at 15 or 16, so some students have a car and drive to school.

2. Religion (It's an only my opinion, so do not care so much, please.)

 Most of the families are religious here. Depending on the family, they go to the church every weekend. They don't hide what religion they believe in. I think the point of view about religion is more open in here than in Japan. For example, I sometimes be asked, “What religion do you believe in?” I had never been asked that in Japan. One day, I was so confused because my host mom asked me, “What do you pray for? You have no religion, but you pray when you are in trouble.” I couldn't say anything.

 I think religion or something like that for Japanese is so close to human, nature, and our lives. It is kind of custom and most of us don't think any further. However, in here, the God is absolute and far from the people who believe in God. People respect him. ( I go to the church with my host family on every Sunday.)

3. School events  There are many events in American high school! For example, homecoming, prom, football games, spirit day, and so on. The events are held by a school councilor (it's like 生徒会 in Japanese high school) and the teachers.

 Homecoming and prom are parties where you dance. In spirt day, we wear the clothes along with the theme that is decided upon. One day is pajama day, so if we want, we go to school wearing a pajamas. ( It’s the picture on a spirt day. The theme was tourist.)

4. Food  In America, as you know, fast food is so popular, like hamburgers, fried potatoes, pizza and so on. Sometimes, they don't cook, and just buy fast food for lunch or dinner.

 There are many foods in my house! I am so surprised that my host family has three refrigerator and a pantry (small room for food).

 The vegetables and fruits are cheaper than those of Japanese, and the taste is nice, but sometimes I was so surprised because of different things from Japan. For example, in here, we peel a cucumber because the skin is thick and the cucumber is so big, but it tastes the same as in Japan. We eat apples and peaches without cutting. The color of sweet potato is orange like carrots.( It’s a supermarket.)

5. Pets  I think most the families around me have some pets! They love pets. Actually, my host family has three golden retrievers and a tabby cat . They are so cute! ( Our skwisgaar guys!)

 Thank you for reading!





 アメリカの高校生はだいたい14歳から17歳で4学年に分かれています。女の子は学年に関わらず、結構化粧をしている子が多いです。 アメリカの高校生は日本の高校生よりもとっても大人っぽく見えます。実際、私も14歳〜15歳に間違えられます。 アメリカでは、16歳から自動車免許が取得できるので自分の車を持っていて、車で学校に登下校する生徒もいます。














最終更新時間:2017年10月10日 16時40分55秒
